Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ujian Dan Dugaan Tanda Allah Sayang. :")


Nikmat kesihatan dan kelapangan adalah dua perkara yang seringkali dilupakan dan diabaikan, kecuali apabila telah datang waktu sakit dan waktu sibuk. Perkara ini telah disebut oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam dalam sebuah hadis riwayat Ibnu ‘Abbas Radhiallahu ‘anhuma:

Maksudnya: Ada dua (jenis) nikmat yang kebanyakkan orang terlalai olehnya, iaitu kesihatan dan waktu lapang (senggang).

(Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari)

Sepatutnya manusia apabila memperolehi nikmat kesihatan dan kesenangan duniawi (kelapangan) akan merasa syukur dan puas, kerana merasakan sebahagian daripada keperluannya sudah mencukupi. Ini dikuatkan oleh hadis Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu ad-Darda’:

Maksudnya: Sesiapa (di antara kamu) pada waktu pagi (berada) dalam keadaan sihat tubuh badannya dan aman jiwanya, mempunyai makanan pada hari itu, maka seolah-olah bagaikan dunia telah menjadi milik baginya.

Ibnu Hibban (Hadis riwayat)

Sakit Dan Jenisnya

Sesiapa jua, tanpa pengecualian, pernah sakit dan pasti suatu waktu akan menghadapi sakit. Samada seseorang itu menderita sesuatu penyakit akibat sebab-sebab tertentu ataupun ditimpa sakit secara mengejut atau tiba-tiba sahaja tanpa sebab yang jelas. Manakala orang-orang yang tidak pernah menghadapi sakit adalah suatu perkara luar biasa.

Tahap atau jenis penyakit itu juga berperingkat, sebahagiannya menghidap penyakit yang ringan saja dan sebahagiannya pula menghidap penyakit yang serius. Manakala proses sembuh juga berbeza, sesetengah pesakit ada kalanya sembuh dengan cepat, ada pula yang lambat atau tiada sembuh langsung.

Terdapat ayat-ayat dalam al-Qur’an yang menyebutkan mengenai sakit dan penyakit, antaranya firman Allah Ta‘ala:

Tafsirnya: Maka sesiapa di antara kamu sakit, atau terdapat sesuatu yang menyakiti di kepalanya (lalu ia mencukur rambutnya), hendaklah ia membayar fidyah iaitu berpuasa, atau bersedekah, atau menyembelih Dam.

(Surah al-Baqarah: ayat 196)

Tafsirnya: Dan (ingatkanlah peristiwa) hamba Kami: Nabi Ayyub, ketika dia berdoa merayu kepada Tuhannya dengan berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku diganggu oleh Syaitan dengan (hasutannya dan semasa aku ditimpa) kesusahan dan azab seksa (penyakit).”

(Maka Kami kabulkan permohonannya serta Kami perintahkan kepadanya): “Hentakkanlah (bumi) dengan kakimu”, (setelah dia melakukannya maka terpancarlah air, lalu Kami berfirman kepadanya): “Ini ialah air sejuk untuk mandi dan untuk minum (bagi menyembuhkan penyakitmu zahir dan batin).”

(Surah Shaad: ayat 41-42)

Tafsirnya: Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka.

(Surah al-Baqarah: ayat 10)

Maka berdasarkan ayat-ayat di atas, antara jenis penyakit itu adalah penyakit jasmani dan rohani. Adapun penyakit jasmani (zahir) ialah penyakit yang dihidapi oleh manusia pada tubuh badannya seperti demam, sakit kepala, sakit perut dan sebagainya. Manakala penyakit rohani (batin) ialah penyakit dalaman yang berkaitan dengan roh atau jiwa seperti penyakit hati yang membawa kepada maksiat seperti hasad dengki, cemburu, tamak dan lain-lain.

Di samping itu, seseorang itu juga tidak terkecuali daripada mengalami perasaan duka nestapa, dukacita, gundah gulana, kesedihan, was-was dan lain-lain yang berkaitan dengan perasaan.

1. Sakit Merupakan Salah Satu Bentuk Ujian

Sesetengah individu mungkin menyempitkan skop ujian dan dugaan itu sebagai perkara-perkara yang negatif dan yang menyedihkan sahaja. Lalu dia hanya mengkategorikan ujian itu seperti ditimpa penyakit, kesusahan, kesedihan, kemiskinan, kematian, kemalangan, kesempitan, kegagalan dan seumpamanya. Sebenarnya tidak demikian. Ujian itu meliputi semua aspek kehidupan sama ada sesuatu yang baik atau sebaliknya seperti kesihatan atau kesakitan, kebaikan atau keburukan, kegembiraan atau kesedihan, kejayaan atau kegagalan, kemiskinan atau kekayaan.

Allah Ta‘ala dalam firmanNya telah menyatakan bahawa ujian, cubaan dan dugaan itu datang dalam pelbagai bentuk:

Tafsirnya: Dan kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai cubaan; dan kepada Kamilah kamu semua akan dikembalikan.

(Surah al-Anbiya’: ayat 35)

Firman Nya lagi:
Tafsirnya: Demi sesungguhnya! Kami akan menguji kamu dengan sedikit perasaan takut (kepada musuh) dan (dengan merasai) kelaparan, dan (dengan berlakunya) kekurangan dari harta benda dan jiwa serta hasil tanaman. Dan berilah khabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar.

(Surah al-Baqarah: ayat 155)

2. Sebagai Kaffarah (Penebus Dosa)
Allah Ta‘ala menjadikan cubaan dan ujian di dunia ini, samada dalam bentuk sakit, dukacita, kesedihan atau selainnya adalah salah satu cara untuk menghapuskan dosa seseorang itu. Adapun setelah menerima pembalasan di dunia, maka pembalasan itu adalah kaffarah, iaitu penebus bagi dosa tersebut. Terdapat banyak hadis yang menyatakan perkara ini dan antaranya ialah:
  • Daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu mengatakan apabila diturunkan ayat 123 dari Surah an-Nisaa’ di atas, kami (orang-orang Islam) merasa sangat sedih. Lalu Baginda Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam pun bersabda:
Maksudnya: Bersederhanalah (jangan terlalu berlebih-lebihan atau terlalu lalai) dan berusahalah melakukan (perkara) yang benar. Maka pada setiap musibah yang menimpa seorang muslim merupakan suatu kaffarah. Sekalipun (musibah itu berupa) bencana yang menimpanya atau duri yang menyucuknya.
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)
Antara bentuk musibah yang dimaksudkan dalam hadis di atas adalah seperti seseorang terjatuh atau terhantuk kakinya yang menyebabkan jari-jari kakinya sakit atau cedera.
  • Hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu bahawa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:
Maksudnya: “Seorang muslim itu tidak ditimpa sesesuatu dari keletihan, penyakit, masalah (kebingungan), kesedihan (kerana kehilangan sesuatu), kesengsaraan dan duka cita sehinggakan (kepada) duri yang menusuknya (menyakitinya), kecuali Allah menghapuskan (mengampunkan) dengan semua itu daripada dosa-dosanya.”
(Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari)
  • Dalam hadis yang lain pula:
Maksudnya: “Sesungguhnya seorang mukmin itu jika ditimpa penyakit, kemudian disembuhkan oleh Allah daripadanya (penyakit tersebut), maka ia (penyakit itu) menjadi kaffarah bagi dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu dan menjadi peringatan baginya untuk masa depannya. Sedang seorang munafik, apabila dia sakit lalu disembuhkan, maka dia seperti unta yang ditambat oleh pemiliknya, lalu mereka melepaskannya. Dia (orang munafik itu) tidak tahu mengapa dia ditambat dan dia tidak tahu mengapa dia dilepaskan.”
(Hadis riwayat Abu Daud)
Maka seorang mukmin apabila sembuh dari sakitnya, akan menjadikan sakitnya itu sebagai peringatan dan dia mengetahui bahawa penyakitnya itu adalah akibat atau balasan dari dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. Kemudian dia menjadikannya sebagai iktibar dan pengajaran. Dia tidak akan mengulangi perbuatan dosa yang telah dilakukannya. Maka ujian sakit itu seterusnya menghapuskan dosanya sebagai kaffarah.
Berlainan orang munafik, apabila ditimpa penyakit dia tidak menjadikannya sebagai peringatan dan dia tidak pula bertaubat. Bahkan sakitnya itu tidak memberi faedah pada dirinya samada di masa yang lalu atau masa yang akan datang.
3. Diberikan Ganjaran
Para Rasul dan Nabi adalah ma‘shum (terpelihara daripada melakukan segala jenis dosa). Maka antara sebab mereka ditimpa dengan ujian sakit bukanlah sebagai balasan dari dosa yang dilakukan, akan tetapi untuk meninggikan lagi martabat dan kedudukan mereka.
Imam an-Nawawi Rahimahullah seterusnya menerangkan bahawa ulama berkata: “Hikmah para nabi lebih berat ditimpa dugaan, kemudian mereka yang di bawah taraf para nabi dan seterusnya mereka yang di bawahnya lagi, adalah kerana mereka telah dikhususkan dengan kesabaran yang sempurna, ketelusan penyerahan diri kepada Allah dan dengan pengetahuan bahawa semua itu adalah nikmat daripada Allah Ta‘ala untuk disempurnakan bagi mereka kebaikan yang selayaknya, menggandakan bagi mereka ganjaran pahala dan (bagi mereka) menzahirkan kesabaran dan keredhaan mereka.”
Adapun bagi seorang mukmin, perkara yang sama juga boleh dicapai. Ini berdasarkan beberapa hadis Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam antaranya ialah:
  • Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh ‘Aisyah Radhiallahu ‘anha Baginda Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:

Maksudnya: “Tiadalah seseorang mukmin yang tertusuk duri atau lebih dari itu melainkan Allah mengangkat satu darjat (dengan tertusuk duri itu) atau menghapuskan daripadanya satu kesalahan.”
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)
  • Dalam sebuah hadis qudsi daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘ahnu yang dimarfu‘kan kepada Baginda Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam:
Maksudnya: “Allah Azza wajalla berfirman: “Sesiapa yang Aku hilangkan kedua matanya lalu dia sabar dan mengharapkan pahala, nescaya Aku tidak suka baginya pahala selain syurga.
(Hadis riwayat at-Tirmidzi)
  • Dalam satu riwayat daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu bahawa seorang perempuan telah mengadu kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mengenai penyakit yang dideritainya. Menurut hadis tersebut, perempuan itu akhirnya memilih untuk bersabar sahaja dengan keadaanya agar dia memperolehi ganjaran yang lebih besar dengan bersabar. Perempuan itu berkata:
Maksudnya: “Wahai Rasulullah! Berdoalah kepada Allah agar menyembuhkanku.”
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Jika engkau mahu, aku akan berdoa kepada Allah bagimu, maka Allah akan menyembuhkanmu. Dan jika engkau mahu, maka bersabarlah dan (semoga) tiada hisab ke atasmu.”
Perempuan itu pun berkata: “Pasti aku akan (memilih untuk) bersabar dan (semoga) tiada hisab ke atasku.”
(Hadis riwayat Ibnu Hibban)
Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahawa sakit atau penyakit, termasuk musibah yang lain, bagi para nabi merupakan ujian-ujian yang akan menambah atau mengangkat martabat mereka. Namun bagi yang selain mereka itu, ia merupakan salah satu bentuk ujian atau sebagai balasan terhadap dosa yang dilakukan di dunia. Maka jika ia dihadapi dengan sabar dan redha, pahala dan ganjaran yang lebih baik daripada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala akan mereka terima. Kesalahan atau dosa-dosa yang dilakukannya itu akan terhapus, malahan akan mengangkat martabat mereka. Di samping itu juga, ujian dan cubaan yang dihadapi itu adalah sebagai iktibar dan peringatan.
Adapun penyakit rohani yang membawa kepada maksiat dan dosa seperti syak wasangka, hasad dengki, tamak haloba, cemburu dan selainnya, ianya tidak akan membawa apa-apa kelebihan dan ganjaran melainkan kerugian dan dosa jua.

Monday, January 30, 2012

C u again

Good night, world.

See u again if I am still breathing tomorrow morning.

I am sorry for the wrongdoings I've ever done.

Sleep tight! ;)

Owh, moral of the day: Kematian ada di mana- mana. Bila ajal kita sampai, tidak ada benda dapat menghalang. Itulah kuasa Allah swt. Takziah buat sahabat, Redzwan Abdullah@ Sam@ Redz dan keluarga atas pemergian ayahanda tercinta.Tabahlah kerana Allah lebih menyayangi allahyarham.  Moga rohnya ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman. Amin. 


*mood: batuk tak lega-lega cuak plak kalau ada pathology apa-apa*

Sunday, January 29, 2012

malacca zoo

mata letih, batuk masih macam tu, cuma kurang sikit lepas makan ice cream tadi (hah??);p, dan pening-pening lalat tiba-tiba. 

Yeah, that's my today's introduction. Well, I just came back from Malacca Zoo with my usrah-mates, just chillin out with the 'friends' there anyway. Hihi.. We reached there around 430 pm in the evening. With the Rm10 entrance fee, we got in hurry. Yeah, I was so energetic since it's been such a long time I last visited the zoo. Feeling excited to meet up the friends, I almost forgot to take some pictures as the memories, but my friend did. I was not into the mood to take the pictures, that time, I was more of to talk and watch over the creatures. So cute looking at them blinking and staring at you at the same time you know.

It is such a big zoo, yeah and the animals there looked so chubby not like at National Zoo, as Epah has mentioned to me. Tigers, monkeys( ehem, reminds me of you. haha), birds( many kinds of birds to be mentioned), snakes, mammalians and many more. All are there and still there. ;) I really enjoyed my day today but however, when we walked again and again maybe about 2 kilometres I think, I got tired. As usual, I coughed a lot and now it came with headache too. Maybe because of the ice-cream I am not so sure. :( When I reached the giraffe areas, I was unable to greet them, since it was already 610pm and the zoo was about to close already.

Inilah awak. remember?;p

anak dengan abah dy. :))

ketua babun?:D

Tah apa la dy tengok ni;P

We 'tadabur' a bit about one surah regarding the animals, then we headed back home. On the way to the car, there was one makcik selling food stuffs stopped us and she offered some free food to us. So kind of her, for giving us the food for free, alhamdulillah:) Moga rezeki mak cik bertambah yea:D

When reaching my room,I checked my facebook inbox and suddenly I looked over the one new message. Upon all tiredness and headache I have, they all seem to be gone for a while. I smiled alone( lantak la nak senyum sensorang pun;p) looking at the comics. Yeah, we share the same dreams alhamdulillah:) Now I get my spirit back. 2 more years to struggle for this M.B.B.S then we'll try to reach out our dreams insyaAllah andai umur panjang:). Semangat!Semangat! Semangat!! And now I have printed the dreams out and paste it in my room at one corner to remind me of good things ahead. ;). Best of luck to us:)

And by the way, just keep quite and don't say anything about this picture. Hee. Bukan syok sendiri, it is just that I want to compare my face with the pimples and to take care of it, and to reduce the production of pimples next time. Please be manageable pimples!! XD

Dilarang comment gambar ni. haha. saya taw saya huduh;D

Before the journey begins:D

cough please stop.

am tired. of this strenous coughing. it hurts my throat a lot. Ya Allah, sembuhkanlah aku cepat. Sihatkan lah aku. :(. And please appetite, come back to me. I miss eating a lot like those days. I don't mind gaining weight like I was before. I want to regain my weight. I almost about to reach underweight for my height.

People used to say: Sakit dekatkan diri kita pada Allah swt. I definitely agree with that. But, with this cough and unwell feeling, I can't focus. :(
I really can't.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

untuk kamu:)

happy birthday, sayang.:)

the 'gift' is specially for you.

happy 23rd birthday.

may Allah s.w.t bless u always.

warong-kap panda-kap much. 


Thursday, January 26, 2012


Seems familiar? Well, maybe.:).

Okay, stop dreaming. Let's focus on workshop tomorrow.

Good luck Fit! =)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't Quit. Semangat3!! =)

two years.

2 years..

Hopefully it passes so fast like that,

Hopefully we learn a lot during the period

And be mature enough to face this life

2 years..

we have to stand still and be patient

As this is their decisions not ours

Wish that this makes us stronger

A lot more to come

A lot more to face

Let's pray that maybe 2 years can be shorten to 1

Or pray that we may accept this with open hearts and patience

Allah s.w.t, HE always listen to us, every now and then

May this relationship is blessed


P/S: Je T'aime, ykwya. :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

You know why~

I'm home. Hihi. Yeahh finally, reached here around 5 in the morning. Guess what? It was a sweet moment, only He knew why. ;))))

 Bai Bai Bai. =)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I care.

Surgery 3rd day.

Hectic life, I would say, but yeah quite interesting. But, since I am still new, I am unable to take history for surgery so well and come out with cool yet correct provisional and differential diagnosis. I am still in the phase of learning. But, seeing others come out with cool diagnosis makes me so eager to learn about surgery and be smart like them too. I did have discussion with senior last night from Batch 21, Mr. Adrian, and he's quite cool. They way he explained was kinda understandable for me. (Forget to tell you, everyday I will take history with other two my group members, Marveena and Fara.). As I have stated in the previous post, maybe previous-previous post, about the one particular lecturer, he never took class with us in Muar. I am so nervous waiting for that moment to come because unlike other lecturers, he really didn't like students to write the history while history taking is done, instead he prefers us to just memorize and remember in the mind all those staffs in the fully-occupied mind, starting from the patient's profile and up to diagnosis of the case. Can you imagine that? -.-. Quite scary you know. T_T.
Well, tomorrow we have PAL(peer-assisted learning) presentation in the evening from 2 pm till 5 pm. The case we've taken for this week is gastric carcinoma, but actually the patient wasn't really cooperative and she also didn't know how to speak Malay, yeah she's a Chinese, old lady. I could understand that. But however, thanks to Adrian again , because he struggled to help us taking the history with the examination even the only finding was pallor. >.<. Janganlah 'dia' mengamuk esok. Seram sejuk kot. :(

And just to make you guys jealous( if you do la kan.:p), tomorrow night, I will be going back homeee!!! Hee, but m gonna skip the friday class, including the surgery workshop with 'him'. And that things also make me chill to the bone, thinking about what gonna be his response when he found out that almost all group D1 and D2 have gone back. T_T.

Next story: I read about the trend in twitter and they keep talking about a poor small child named Ahmad Raif Nufail who is suffering from brain damage due to the nerve infection kinda thing, I don't know what specific infection that he has. To read more about this, visit this blog. I found on while googling. Nisa Kay. Let's pray for this brother, insyaAllah everything will be fine, Amin.

Next to next, I hope that, I can manage each and every problems in mind in a positive way. I don't know why but there are several things that haunt my mind lately. So, to me, bersabarlah dengan apa yang berlaku. Positive thinking is never a waste. You can make yourself smile again and others too. That's all for today. Jaga diri.

It's for you. Play hard if you think you have recovered. Stop playing if you get hurt back. Take care, dear:)

Monday, January 16, 2012

day 1

"sometimes, it just happened.

feeling like u are all alone and nobody loves you

feeling as if your family abandon u

feeling like as if they don't mind what happen to u

but actually there's someone who always care.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

birthday mak.

Happy Birthday, Mak. I love you so much!!! You are the best mother on Earth. :))). I'm proud to be your daughter. May Allah s.w.t bless u.


Mak dan abah:)

Second of all, I finally finished my 3 hours of practical. At last, the car is moving. :P

Third of all,  I just found this video. Interesting. Paris, Je T'aime.:) 

That's all. 


"I didn't mean to make you annoyed with me,

I didn't mean to prevent you from doing what you like

I am not mean like that:(

I didn't mean to force you

But, I just wanna let you know that I care for you way too much

I just can't see if you are hurting

I can't resist seeing the pain in your eyes

Please understand that, love

But, whatever it is, I know I am nobody yet to you

I can't ask you to follow my wish

I can't I really can't
Your decision is yours truly not me

One last sentence, please take care of yourself if you don't want to see my eyes leak again like 


Ya Allah, Engkau Yang Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Penyayang.

Tabahkan hati kami, kuatkan semangat kami, redha lah jiwa ini untuk menerima apa jua dugaan buat kami

Supaya kami sentiasa bersyukur dan masih yakin apa pun yang terjadi ada hikmahnya. 


Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hey jumpa lagi for today :). Tadi berbicara tentang fakta umat sekarang. kali ni tentang study plak bleh kan?:p. Yeah. SURGERY, finally I shall say. The last 6 weeks of Sem 6 before the sessional examination which is around the corner. The so-called scariest posting in MMMC Melaka okay not Manipal because both are totally different, the lecturer wise. To be exact, from the kind-never-shouted-persistent-smile-don't mind if you bunk class lecturer to the harsh-persistent-shouted-big-eyes lecturer. What a difference kan? :) But well never mind. What Allah s.w.t has explained, everything happens for a reason, remember that.

This monday is the first day of surgery. I hope for the best insyaAllah and yeah I also hope I learn a lot. I've gone through lists of other postings namely psychiatry, O & G, Medicine, Community Medicine and ehem thats all. :). To be honest, a lot of mistakes I have made throughout the postings like simple mistakes that I made many times, maybe history taking wise or examination part. Because, this is human, we are all still learning each and every day, nobody says that I finish learning already or I have enough knowledge in my genius brain already. Nobody says that because even the best person in the world is still learning( I don't know who to give example, just think by yourself).

Those mistakes I've made taught me a lot. I did cry, I became sad and sometimes down to earth. I questioned myself, why I can't do even a simple thing? Why I hesitate to answer the question? Why I don't know the answer even I studied a lot? That sorts of questions always pop up in my mind, just like that. Tak percaya, tanya dia, he knows how often I cried for that, cause he knows how fragile I am. But crying doesn't solve the problems, it just makes you feel a bit better because you have spilled out the sad sorrow from the heart. What you need to do is that, TO LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES. I hope I do that, now and continuously everyday. Mistakes grow us up. Agree me?:)


So, all in all, I hope those mistakes will never repeat themselves again especially in this posting. I hope I improve a lot. I will try my best to improve, because yeah to change isn't easy as to eat peanuts. ( betul ke tak perumpaan aku ni? hehe). Because medical students should do less mistakes that other courses. Confused much? Let me explain. I give you a kinda situation if let's say doctors make mistakes during the surgery or treating the patients. Guess you can think the consequences, am I right?  Renung renungkan dan selamat beramal. Wallahualam. :)

I Should Have Known

Salam Sabtu.. Sabtu eyh? :) Well, yeah, it's 9.37am in the morning in the beloved Malaysia. And truth is I just woke up about 20 minutes ago. :P. Yeah I know it is kinda late for an anak dara like me, but who cares since it's WEEKEND!! Tidur la sepuasnya kan.. *hands up if you agree..*;p.

What topic to be told today? Or maybe to be discussed? It's about Palestine. Yeah Palestine, the story that we keep on uttering and sympathizing to them because of the things that happened to their country. Actually the things that are still happening.

Last night, I had this so- called 'Sister Gathering' here in Melaka, not far actually, at the area of Bukit Beruang with my usrah-mate with their friends whom I just get to know them last night. :). At first we cooked, talked, laughed and spent time together. It was so much fun since I love doing things with people like cooking because I love teasing and sometimes people love to tease me like Ariffah did. ;p.. And then the programme continued and we ate around 930pm after the dulang- dinner.

Then, came the tazkirah given by the one of the student from University of Newcastles, Australia and she's not Australian, she's Malaysian la. A girl one year younger than me.:). She talked and talked and suddenly it came to the story of Palestine. She asked all of us, "What do you girls know about Palestine?" My reaction was like, blinking three to four times, watching each others, trying to make the gyrus to work. Pity gyrus, because I actually, don't really have the knowledge of what is really the reason for the chaos happened in Palestine. Kesian kan:(. Padahal it is one of the story we keep on talking. We pitied them, sometimes some of us cried watching over the videos showing the suffering of Ummah there but, do we know the reasons for the chaos? Hmm. And 'we' here includes me myself. I know about the story but I don't dig, I don't find although I know it's one of my things to do( finding about what happened to Palestine) because we are Muslims and those that are suffering are our brothers and sisters. :"(.

Yeah maybe I have to start dig and dig and dig. I might not help much but at least I know what is happening to them. With the knowledge maybe something can be done, we never know. Wallahualam. Selamat mencari tentang Palestine. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

bye bye commed sayang :")

Salam. Here I am again after the story of Don. Another story is to be told today. First and foremost, I have completed Community Medicine posting of three weeks. Ya Allah, it happened so fast plus the two Monday holidays in sequences. >.<.. Well, even the commed end posting has ended too. Comment about the exam? Not kinda hard, because Alhamdulillah I could do that even the MEQ part was quite confusing. Ah, never mind. Let by gone be by gone. :)

Move on. Next posting awaits! The scariest, toughest, monster-looking-ready-to-knock-your-head lecturer. Well, cut the monster-looking part. He actually looks just normal like me and you. The name of the lecturer will not be mentioned. Maybe next time? But, to MMMC student who read this, yeah you know the idea who he is right. *tutup muka*. Hopefully, everything goes well. I don't mind if he scolds us, because at least by his harsh words, and scolds maybe we can be a good doctor one day, who knows. There must be reasons for whatever he does. ;)*positive thinking*.

But well guys, I should have started to continue to complete my portfolio. Duhhh. Banyak lagi kot. Hee. takpe, since I don't have tomorrow morning class, then I can continue doing it tomorrow. HOPEFULLY. Lol. :D.

Maybe that is for now. Enjoy the commed pictures. For more details, you may visit my facebook profile because I have uploaded all the photos there.:)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Don 2

Nothing much.

This is what I did yesterday.

Yey yey happy happy!! =)

Dapat tengok SRK yang cute miut. ;D

Friday, January 6, 2012

rice cooker, I do love you! :)

Once upon a time, I did have a thought to buy a multi cooker like every body else. Yeah, it makes your life a lot more easier, you can cook even if you are staying in a hostel, like me. But, truth always hurts. hehe. The price of the multi cooker is way too much, till I have to think not twice but thrice whether to buy it or not. It is about RS200. Not Rupees okay, but Ringgit Malaysia( Rm). Hmm. :(

But, yeah I do have a rice cooker, special thanks to my mak and abah who bought me one, when they came visiting me about a month ago. Yeah, I don't have to spend extra Rm1 for the rice, bleh la nak jimat sikit kan, since nak jimat is one of my wish list this year. Lol. :D.

And actually, to those who didn't know, you can cook even if you have a rice cooker with you even there are too much troubles by doing this like:
  • It takes time for the cooker to become hot. Maybe it can take ages you know! Err, I am exaggerating here. But yeah it does take TIME.
  • The button tend to push back to warm after 'cook'. You can't make it remains as 'cook' all the time.( those who have cooked rice by a rice cooker understand this. Don't you?;p)
  • The rice cooker might get contaminated with the food you have cooked inside it. Duh, you need to wash very thoroughly for this anyway. 
But but and but. Not this butt okay. Haha. But, I did something tonight. I cooked using my lovely rice cooker! Hee.. Not much, just veg soup I made, but yeah I made it. It was not as problematic as I have stated before if you could imagine. So so and so, I can save my RM200 in order to buy a multi cooker since the rice cooker which I already have gives so much benefits. ;)))

veg soup with the sardine. my dinner tonight:)

weekend likes weekday


Weekend is back again. Hello, weekend. :). But, lists of things should be done this weekend, like a lot. Hopefully I can manage all of that very well within the expected duration. One thing for sure before get started, "JANGAN MERUNGUT!" (",). Before you can happily go back home, please and so many please, use your time wisely, fit. These things in mind:

  • finish up about 100-pages commed portfolio. not much actually, I just have to copy and paste. That's all. =.=
this much okay. banyak kot. T_T

  • study for the commed end posting. Too much slides till I vomit! Duhhhh.
  • pre-study for surgery posting. As what I can say, from heavenly commed to hell surgery? T_T. But no worries! I want to focus surgery as maximum as possible since sessional is just around the corner! =)
  • Weekend equals to driving license class. Have to stand this for quite a long weekends afterwards. Takpe, good luck! (^_^)
  • Yeah Don 2!! insyaAllah if it is fated that I am going to meet up the beloved SRK this weekend. Depends on time and availability. *finger-crossing*
  • Counting days. :)
*lesson of the day: whatever you do, just remember that everything starts with your Niat. Niat as in your intention. Allah s.w.t will grant your wish the way you Niat. If you niat for A, then A happens. If you niat for B, then B sets in. It is the matter of what Niat you have made and whether it suits enough and whether it can give you something in future, some good things. InsyaALLAH.

Salam for now. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012


saya gemok, 

kuat tido,

kuat makan, 


emo tak tentu pasal


dalam apa keadaaan sekalipun, 

kamu sabar je dengan saya,

kamu masih sayang saya,

kamu tak pernah marah.

kamu cakap, 

kamu terima saya seikhlasnya sebab saya adalah saya.

jadi, terima kasih. :)

"I Do"

whaddup? What a boring day.. Huuu... I didn't have d afternoon class today, yeah it is called SDL timezz! Should be yezza but yeahh when you don't have things to do it can be boring too.. T_T, but anyway boring is far way excited than being in a class and listening to a lecture which sometimes you don't even understand a thing because you keep on day dreaming. :P..

Well, anyway since I didn't have nothing to do, I sincerely played The Sims Life Stories which I have stopped playing for a long time! Hee.. :) I do have my own family, Bubu and Bibi with their two children. But, then when I was about to play, I realised that my both kids have gone! Yeah that two little twin kids. Duhhh I wondered and kept wondering. The last time I played was about a month ago or maybe like two months but I still remembered the last time I played that my both kids were there! Hmm, then one idea struck my mind. I forgot that when I went back home during Christmas last time, my youngest brother, Aliff and my younger sister, Wawa played my sims. Duhhh! maybe they accidently caused my two kids ran away.. :(.. But, those kids are twins, like I have dreamt in real life. Hihi. After I have found out, then I lost interest to continue playing. I youtubed and now I am still youtubing then I found this song of Colbie Callait, I Do. I've heard the song so many times and I kinda like it, but I never watch the music video. Then here it is. Done watching. ;)))

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year+ poem

Salam. HAPPY NEW YEAR people! I hope it's not too late to wish! =))) Sorry, not in the mood to blog for the past few days as I busy did something else. Well, just nak berlagak for a while, I passed my computer test! * yeah, the one that you needed to sit in the steps to obtain the driving license* Well, one thing I wanna say, alhamdulillah. =).. Eventhough I did all of that alone by myself, I managed to undergo that. *mula-mula cuak giler kot sebab sorang-sorang..huuu*..

Okay, fine. New year has come. 2011. eh, my bad, it is 2012 ALREADY LA GIRL! And this year, if "long live" I am gonna reach the age of 23. Phewww! About to reach middle of twenties. Feeling matured enough? Well, you judge it by yourself. ;).. Okay, the intro is in English but, the rest of the entry for this time will be in Malay. Yeah, I miss blogging in Malay. ;D

Ha, hello hello. Faham lagi kan? Ada lagi kan korang ni kan baca blog aku? Hihi.. Thanks sebab masih lagi setia dekat Chocolate, walaupun Cekelat ni takdela berinformasi mana pun. Hanyalah lebih kepada aku yang mengarut dekat sini. Lebih kepada luahan perasaan, yang aku tak mampu nak luahkan dekat orang lain, sebab kadang-kadang apa yang aku nak cakap susah nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata.. Hee, sorry konfius sekejap.. :).

Tick tock tick tock sekarang dah pukul 9.00 malam waktu Malaysia. Apa yang aku buat? Aku masih lagi stuck depan lappy mengupdate cekelat., kinda miss him somehow. :").. Hmm, berbalik kepada isu tahun baru, ramai yang menjadikan tahun baru sebagai titik permulaan pada perubahan ataupun titik pecutan untuk mencapai azam masing- masing. Macam orang lain, aku juga punya azam yang tersusun dalam kotak hati, dari sesimple azam kepada sekompleks azam.. Tak semua orang tau azam aku eyh.. sapa yang dah baca previous blog aku, dia tau la 3 azam aku tahun ni, tapi untuk the rest hanya aku, dia dan DIA je yang tau.. Hee.. Mystery enough huh? Well just let it be.. ;)) Berdoalah supaya azam dan harapan aku bakal menjadi kenyataan insyaAllah ameen. ;).. Aku tak nak cerita azam aku yang the rest dengan korang bukan sebab apa, sebab yang utama sebab yela azam tu bisa pudar kan, awal memang la semangat nak buat semua tu tapi by the end of the day, kita lupa dan leka dan kemudian azam tu pun hilang ditelan masa. Aku tak nak macam tu. Aku nak azam aku kekal sampai semuanya tercapai. Azam dan harapan. Aku tahu bukan senang aku nak capai kalau takde usaha yang kuat, tapi sekurang kurangnya aku mencuba. insyaAllah dengan izinNya semuanya boleh! :D Semangat! Semangat! Semangat! Hihihih..

Sekarang macam yang semua sedia maklum, aku tengah posting Community Medicine, jadi kena lah aku pergi Klinik Kesihatan terdekat, tak payah pi hospital dah. tapi aku rasa commed lagi best sebab lepak giler kot untuk yang malas macam aku. hihi. bleh main dengan budak-budak comel, ukur panjang, berat, head circumference, chest circumference baby baby tu. Hee. =)*sori la takde gamba nak tunjuk sebab aku tak amik pun. sebab biar lah kenangan tu aku simpan terus dalam hati, tade gambar pun takpe. :) Teehee,, sweet plak bunyi nya padahal tak sempat nak ambil gambar. :p. Selain daripada tu, kena jugak take care dekat ibu ibu mengandung nie, kena jaga diorang baik baik, bukan senang nak jaga sorang lagi dalam perut tu, hee.. :) kena dengar la apa nurse nasihat kat pregnant mother, selain daripada itu, kena jugak take note blood pressure, weight, BMI of these mothers, yela nak rule out high risk cases, sebab bila dapat tahu awal, dapat lah langkah pencegahan awal dapat dilakukan. :). Bila tengok ibu ibu ni pregnant, teringat la mak aku dulu pernah macam ni jugak mengandungkan aku. so, appreciate la mak anda sekalian yea. :). And dalam masa yang sama, aku jadi takut pun ada. Pheww. takut oww, sebab nanti aku pun akan jadi cmtu gak, korang pun sama la. kena jadi mak macam tu, kena jaga baby dalam perut untuk 9 bulan, sanggup ke korang? tak sanggup pun kena la jaga, amanah Allah kan.:) Best kot tengok mak mak tu, hee.. semangat je cerita berapa kali baby tendang, semangat cerita persiapan( untuk yang peramah la nak cerita. hihi). Selain daripada tu, aku dan kawan kawan aku yang lain pergi jugak 'home visit'. Pergi check mak dan anak lepas bersalin, well known as post-natal cases. tengok la kot kot la baby tu ada jaundice, ke mak tu pun kena tengok jugak kalau kalau ada tanda-tanda varicose vein ke, post partum haemorrhage ke. macam macam bleh jadi ow. Itulah kisah pasal commed.

Lagi satu hal, audry masih tak okay macam dulu. penat dah nak sedih. tak jadi okay jugak. entah bila la aku bleh hantar repair. :(.

oh guys, sekarang ni aku follow " how i met your mother' tapi baru 3rd episode season 1. Hehe. yela kan, bosan tak tau nak buat apa tiap malam. nak study malas,biasala commed. hee. :).

rasanya tu je kot. penat dah. mungkin nanti aku blog lagi. mungkin esok. entah. kalau umur panjang insyaAllah.

Lagu background:
*It Girl, Jason Derulo
*The One That Got Away, Katy Pery
*Smile, Avril Lavigne
*Quiet Hearts, Amy Stroup
*Wish You Were Here, Avril Lavigne.
*I Like It Like That
*Percaya Padaku, Ungu.

That solemn night,
Where blinking stars seem to be gone and the moon appears restless
The cold feet shivers at the corner of empty room
The half-closed eyes force to open endlessly
Mind has gone nowhere, trying to locate the heart
Don't blame own self nor others
It's the fate that remains unchanged over time
Stuck in the middle of journey
With failure and difficulties step in, we wonder
We know but we take things for granted
We understand but we avoid the truth
We learn but we skip the wisdom that sets in
Please change and make a move
Life is like a moving wheel
On top or at the bottom can't be escaped
Knowing about guided sequences
Shall survive us till the end.

Poem setelah sekian lama. :) Untuk kamu. :) Juga untuk kamu-kamu. :)


 Assalamualaikum w.b.t  well, hello. Here I am again. Just recovered from Covid 19 infection Cat 2A about 3 weeks ago. My husband, my parent...