Hey... I'm damn bored ryte now.. Should have class ryte now but then it's cancelled at last minute...
Oh, and guess wut? I just knew when ma ousmate and I were on our ways to the Du...SANGAT PENAT!! But then it's okay...X de rezki nak jumpa ustaz tu lagi..Hehe..Dah2 forget bout all stuff...Lately I have lots lots lots of homework to be completed...Bkn skit2 byk gak la...But then i noe it's all bcoz of ma exm A2 which is around da corner! sgt takut... harap2 i can cope well with this new way of study...Many chapters must be covered for all the subjects.....
For the time being, I juz have bout 3months left to struggle for this exam...I should be able to do well though....Nak fly...nak fly....huhuhuhu....
Nah....Talking bout exam, list preps tu dah kuar...X tw la nama aku ada ke x...kadang 2 aku nak sgt ada...tpi kadang x yah pun x pe...hihi....
K lah...
Dis are my aims for this sem... HArap dapat ikut!!
- Complete all da homework keh...hehe
- Less sleeping hours..:))
- No fooling around..
- No movies.no novels.
- Study.study.study.
- Less on9.
- less talking.less gossiping.
- Less msging.
- hurm.igt diet k!
- Live life to da fullest!
cam ko sorang ade omwek
bla la lu minah
nawa jeless!
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