saya tatot!!
result kuar esok~
harap2 okay.
ari ni sy bgun lmbt. he3..kantoi di situ..:)..ntah mengapa cm malas gila
nak bgun wp bertimbun2 homework kna wut n kna study.lalala
tp tidak mengapa.masih ad masa utk mengarut.skang mata ak sudah
tp tak boley stop.harus study.mahu fly! flying without wings. he3.
ari ni ak masak sndirik.suatu perubahan yg x de
la sedap pon.aku je snggup mkn.keyh2...wuteva.jnji hepy. lalalala~
neway aku tidak bpuas ati dgn adikku. ina.huih! x aci! dy cti tp ak tak!
kna duduk study lg.hehe. tapew2..jnji aku.hu3.
hey aku happy! aku dapat lgu yg aku suka gila smlm... sgt best!
E.MP.T.Y by the click five. sedap gila lagu nih! bgi aku lgu ni cm
besa ja tp tak mengapalah. janji aku suka. bawah ni aku letak lirik
dy..tgok la.kot2 best.hehe..
Tried to take a picture
Of love
Didn't think I'd miss her
That much
I want to fill this new frame
But its empty
Tried to write a letter
In ink
Its been getting better
I think
I got a piece of paper
But its empty
Its empty
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty
And I've even wondered
If we
Should be getting under
These sheets
We could lie in this bed
But its empty
Its empty
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty
We're empty
We're empty
Or will we end up getting hurt
Is this love a myth
So tell me are you in for this
There's so much more than we can see
More than you
More than me
It takes two to believe!
Maybe it's our first mistake
And baby that's alright
It's crazy how we lost ourselves tonight
Maybe it's our first mistake
And baby that's alright
It's crazy how we lost ourselves tonight
There's a reason why they say that we should give it time
But time is not enough
And that's the reason why when you're young you fall in love
And that's the reason why
When you're young you fall in love [2x]
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