mmg pon...waaa!...da x de mood nak bukak bku...hatiku skang da ada kt
umah. fizikal je still kt ktt nih lgi...cmna nih..ishkk3....x bley2....fi3...cmana
pun...kna gak study keyh....jgn malas2....a2 dah nk dekat kan....x mo main2
lagi.... past years pon lom cover kan...tabahkan ati k...lgi 2bulan je A LEVEL
terchenta nih nak abeh...kn2? sebelum tu kna la struggle btol2...kan2???
hee~okayh~semangat...semangat keyh...lalalalaa~...
hurm..neway....ari nih....My lil cat Ah da mati sbb eksiden...waaa!! sedeyh....x smpai
setahun adik dy Boo mati.....:(...tnggal lah anak mereka Ipun dan Ipin
berdua...tanpa ibu dan ayah terchenta di hari raya...
Tenanglah kamu berdua di sana yea....hurm~fi3 akan rindu
ampa sangat2!...:(...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Like only a woman can.
I love dis song!
By Brian McFadden.
Guys out there.
DIs is wut woman are.
They love u deep in their heart.
Eventhough sometimes they can't really show it.:)
By Brian McFadden.
Guys out there.
DIs is wut woman are.
They love u deep in their heart.
Eventhough sometimes they can't really show it.:)
I wasn't perfect
I done a lot of stupid things
Still no angel
I wasn't looking for forgiveness
I wasn't laid up by my pride
Just shocked by her attention
Did someone sign me up for love?
I didn't want it
But now I can't live without it
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
She's kinda perfect
She's kinda everything I'm not
Yes, she's an angel
It's amazing how she's patient
Even more at times I'm not
She's my conscience
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
Like only a woman can
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
I done a lot of stupid things
Still no angel
I wasn't looking for forgiveness
I wasn't laid up by my pride
Just shocked by her attention
Did someone sign me up for love?
I didn't want it
But now I can't live without it
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
She's kinda perfect
She's kinda everything I'm not
Yes, she's an angel
It's amazing how she's patient
Even more at times I'm not
She's my conscience
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
Like only a woman can
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
life measures a heart.
never by its mistakes,
but always by its intentions.
today..nothing special happened.
oh ya.. i got my ielts results already.
band 7.0...
thanks to those ppl yg byk tolong fi3.
td x wut apa2 sgt.
study pn skit jer.
men game je byk.
nice game.
enjoy sgt.
dat's all.
never by its mistakes,
but always by its intentions.
today..nothing special happened.
oh ya.. i got my ielts results already.
band 7.0...
thanks to those ppl yg byk tolong fi3.
td x wut apa2 sgt.
study pn skit jer.
men game je byk.
nice game.
enjoy sgt.
dat's all.
Friday, September 12, 2008
as simple as me~
Hurm...fi3 is here again. Here again to ngarut. to ngarut n to
ngarut.hoho.yeah. TRIAL baru je abeh. total feeling?
happy+nervous+cuaks+tatot+bersemangat! yang len terserah pada Dia... Aku
dah berusaha yg mana termampu.hurm.okeyh.skarang ni sebenarnya fi3 nak
ckp pasal benda len.i want to share about things that currently i addicted with.
yeah.i can say thing+ppl+job... Below are listed thing+job+ppl dat i madly in
love recently. Yeap. In love with those little thing make me forget a bit about
those A level stuff. Yeap. I need at least a moment to free up my mind totally
with dat stuff. juz a moment! he he....okeyh.let me list down.c ya. it would not
b a long list. trust me. hoho. juz as SIMPLE as me....
ngarut.hoho.yeah. TRIAL baru je abeh. total feeling?
happy+nervous+cuaks+tatot+bersemangat! yang len terserah pada Dia... Aku
dah berusaha yg mana termampu.hurm.okeyh.skarang ni sebenarnya fi3 nak
ckp pasal benda len.i want to share about things that currently i addicted with.
yeah.i can say thing+ppl+job... Below are listed thing+job+ppl dat i madly in
love recently. Yeap. In love with those little thing make me forget a bit about
those A level stuff. Yeap. I need at least a moment to free up my mind totally
with dat stuff. juz a moment! he he....okeyh.let me list down.c ya. it would not
b a long list. trust me. hoho. juz as SIMPLE as me....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
chubby.isn't a problem?
"There could be some friction in your place of work or group gathering today, and it will be up to you to take the middle ground. Pay attention to the minor details in connection with a major project, because it's the little things that will make the final picture work."
group gathering? little things dat make final project work? Hurm. is it specifically about the gathering that we already done juz now? gathering to finish up all the left food kat rumah aimi? or gathering talking about that stuff called HERBALIFE? hurm. wuteva. I have another 5minutes to mengarut. have to continue study.:)..oryte. talking about those little thing, not really into dat HERBALIFE thing, but have some interest about dat stuff... lose i have to take that product to lose weight? or am I okay enuf with dis figure? ehem.i mean my latest figure.fi3's figure.gemukkah aku? chubbykah aku?tembamkah aku?
hurm~still curious. sometime raser dah okay.sometime raser gumuk.x tahu mna btol.mna
taknya.. suma benda aku bantai.list je aper.aku maen bedal jer. x pk langsung.below are list food dat make me more chubby:
tapi kan, suma makanan di atas aku suker...
cemana nih...huhu...tolong!....:D
group gathering? little things dat make final project work? Hurm. is it specifically about the gathering that we already done juz now? gathering to finish up all the left food kat rumah aimi? or gathering talking about that stuff called HERBALIFE? hurm. wuteva. I have another 5minutes to mengarut. have to continue study.:)..oryte. talking about those little thing, not really into dat HERBALIFE thing, but have some interest about dat stuff... lose i have to take that product to lose weight? or am I okay enuf with dis figure? ehem.i mean my latest figure.fi3's figure.gemukkah aku? chubbykah aku?tembamkah aku?
hurm~still curious. sometime raser dah okay.sometime raser gumuk.x tahu mna btol.mna
taknya.. suma benda aku bantai.list je aper.aku maen bedal jer. x pk langsung.below are list food dat make me more chubby:
- chocolate
- choki2
- lolipop
- over food during berbuker.
- roti biasa.bukan wholegrain.
- biskut2 or jajan
- eskrem.
tapi kan, suma makanan di atas aku suker...
cemana nih...huhu...tolong!....:D
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Love is patient,
Love is kind,
It does not envy, It does not boast,
It is not proud, It is no rude,
It is not self- seeking, It is not easily angered...
It keeps no records of wrongs....
Love does not delight in evil
But rejoice with the truth...
It always protects, always trusts..
Always hopes, always preverse...
specially dedicated to those ppl i love.:)
LUCKY-Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait.
Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Love is kind,
It does not envy, It does not boast,
It is not proud, It is no rude,
It is not self- seeking, It is not easily angered...
It keeps no records of wrongs....
Love does not delight in evil
But rejoice with the truth...
It always protects, always trusts..
Always hopes, always preverse...
specially dedicated to those ppl i love.:)
LUCKY-Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait.
Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Monday, September 1, 2008
the night of joy+smelly.:)

here it is.not much to say.but have to say.waa! i've been prank by those ppl...yeap..those ppl who
love me.those ppl who cn't live without me.lalala~bercadang n berjaya mem prank kn budak cumel ini.huh? apakah... i was d victim...i'm innocent...okeyh..let's begin d story....tyme dlm 8.30cmtu, ekin siap2 la.aku tnya dy nk g aner.dy ckp nk p umah big deal.taperla.x expect pape pown. di satu saat yg sunyi saat aku tgh bru membuka bku math, tiba-tiba handphoneku berbunyi.(lagu boys like girls).hurm.hati berdetik.sapakh yg menelefon.aku pn tgok la kat screen...hurm.superhero rupanya yang call.. hee...dy dtg ktt!! waa! tkejut sgt aku time tuh...dy ckp da dtg ari ni sptutny.tpi x jd.kna hntr abahny kt airport.okeyh.aku pn siap2 trun mhu jumpa dy.windu bangat! lalalalala...act, ni bkn termasuk dlm prank pn.sje nk aku x SANGKA dy nk dtg..mish him like crazy.hehe.pastuh.aku twon n smbang2 dgn dy jap.dy kna cpt cz nk rush g airport laks.aku TERHARU sgt! dy bawak adiah utk aku.cumel...aku dpt 'Hana' dpd dy.nnt sy jga bek2 yea Hana tuh awk! hehe.orait.after say gudbye to him aku pn nek ats blek.mahu continue study.yela.ptg td asyik tito je.x bukak bku lngsung.okeyh.dat's it.aku pn mula la study.then mak aku call.ckp la sat.dy wish gudluk.rindu mak!hee...bila aku mahu duduk d ats kerusi mahu study arisya ckp la.
"fi3, kitorg ada wut bihun kt ko..n kek sket.utk bday ko.sorry la.sbb x prepare apa2."
aku pon membalas blek:
" eyh.taper la.tu pun dah kira okay sgt.thanks la sbb igt"
aku pn siap2 blik la.dgn memakai jeans kesayangan aku.tudung grey n bju if nothing would happen.x kesah pn..tetiba pintu rumah diketuk.okeyh.saper pulak la tuh.aku pn bukakla.ceyh.saspens jer.rupanya geng 7-1-1....
aku pn dibawa mcm puteri ke satu tmpt.iaitu di lorng azmi...ish3...bebudak nih,strategik sngguh tmpt...lalala...pastu nmpak la kelibat shidi, naqi,ayam n jenno.
mereka pun wish happy birthday kat aku.thanks a lot ya guys.then..aku pn dibawak ke tmpt mknn...lapar dah nih...tetiba lak...okeyh...pastu, tetiba tak disangka...shidi pnggil aku..pehal lak nih?? ishk33..saspens jer...hurm...aku pon g la...okeyh.dy nak bg adiah...aku pn nak amek yang aku plik apsal dy x lps2 adiah dr tngn dia? ckp nak bg hadiah kt aku?huhu..pastu aku amk la adiah tu.and tetiba!! aku rasa something yg skit kt blakang ku! aku rasa cecair di blakang ku..aqeous solution of sth..unknown..OMG!! jgn ckp ni prank!! pndai nyer bebudak nih..mmg prank pon..rupanya2, si naqi n aimi baling muntah buatan kat bju aku!! tidak! aku dah busuk...n bebudak len bling telor kt aku! boley bayang x? telor? wangi ke bushuk? of coz la bushuk bangat!hish!!! orayte...aku pn lari la dri situ....x mo kna lg...then nad pnggil..
"fi3, ktorng x buat dah. Jom la..mau mamam nih!'
aku x caya.takut diorng bling lg muntah busuk tu..pastu tah cmna aku tmakan pujuk gk..aku pn g la blik...n to my suprise, lagi skali aku kna bling dgn bnda tuh.sabar jela..huhu...itulah yg blku kpd aku ari tu.aku bling kat diorng diorng bling muntah bushuk kt aku.kesimpulannya, bju aku mmg kotor gila ah! hishhhh,,,,kna bsuh x per...sabar2..neway..thanks kengkawan! for dat 'lovely' suprise party...really appreciate it...syg korng sumer....esp: rumie dayah, ousmate ekin n sya..tak lupa pd 7-1-1..nad,aimi,miyah,tiah...pada jejaka pilihan thanks gk! 'thanks sgt'..haha..shidi ( actor terbaik), naqi( si pembaling muntah bushuk), jenno n ayam...pada mierul plak.(jaga ko.aku x puas ati dgn ko! sikit pon x kena bju ko!! waa!aku akan bls dndm.hahahha)...thanks jugak pada sapa2 yg igt birthday aku...sayang anda sumer...jangan risau! fi3 akan jd matured x lama lg...:0..lalalala...pd superhero, thanks gak! snggup dtg..heee...fi3 SAYANG bangat anda sumer!!! emmmuaaah!!
"fi3, kitorg ada wut bihun kt ko..n kek sket.utk bday ko.sorry la.sbb x prepare apa2."
aku pon membalas blek:
" eyh.taper la.tu pun dah kira okay sgt.thanks la sbb igt"
aku pn siap2 blik la.dgn memakai jeans kesayangan aku.tudung grey n bju if nothing would happen.x kesah pn..tetiba pintu rumah diketuk.okeyh.saper pulak la tuh.aku pn bukakla.ceyh.saspens jer.rupanya geng 7-1-1....
aku pn dibawa mcm puteri ke satu tmpt.iaitu di lorng azmi...ish3...bebudak nih,strategik sngguh tmpt...lalala...pastu nmpak la kelibat shidi, naqi,ayam n jenno.
mereka pun wish happy birthday kat aku.thanks a lot ya guys.then..aku pn dibawak ke tmpt mknn...lapar dah nih...tetiba lak...okeyh...pastu, tetiba tak disangka...shidi pnggil aku..pehal lak nih?? ishk33..saspens jer...hurm...aku pon g la...okeyh.dy nak bg adiah...aku pn nak amek yang aku plik apsal dy x lps2 adiah dr tngn dia? ckp nak bg hadiah kt aku?huhu..pastu aku amk la adiah tu.and tetiba!! aku rasa something yg skit kt blakang ku! aku rasa cecair di blakang ku..aqeous solution of sth..unknown..OMG!! jgn ckp ni prank!! pndai nyer bebudak nih..mmg prank pon..rupanya2, si naqi n aimi baling muntah buatan kat bju aku!! tidak! aku dah busuk...n bebudak len bling telor kt aku! boley bayang x? telor? wangi ke bushuk? of coz la bushuk bangat!hish!!! orayte...aku pn lari la dri situ....x mo kna lg...then nad pnggil..
"fi3, ktorng x buat dah. Jom la..mau mamam nih!'
aku x caya.takut diorng bling lg muntah busuk tu..pastu tah cmna aku tmakan pujuk gk..aku pn g la blik...n to my suprise, lagi skali aku kna bling dgn bnda tuh.sabar jela..huhu...itulah yg blku kpd aku ari tu.aku bling kat diorng diorng bling muntah bushuk kt aku.kesimpulannya, bju aku mmg kotor gila ah! hishhhh,,,,kna bsuh x per...sabar2..neway..thanks kengkawan! for dat 'lovely' suprise party...really appreciate it...syg korng sumer....esp: rumie dayah, ousmate ekin n sya..tak lupa pd 7-1-1..nad,aimi,miyah,tiah...pada jejaka pilihan thanks gk! 'thanks sgt'..haha..shidi ( actor terbaik), naqi( si pembaling muntah bushuk), jenno n ayam...pada mierul plak.(jaga ko.aku x puas ati dgn ko! sikit pon x kena bju ko!! waa!aku akan bls dndm.hahahha)...thanks jugak pada sapa2 yg igt birthday aku...sayang anda sumer...jangan risau! fi3 akan jd matured x lama lg...:0..lalalala...pd superhero, thanks gak! snggup dtg..heee...fi3 SAYANG bangat anda sumer!!! emmmuaaah!!
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