My new novel.kind chapter one=The freaky black bag..hee... Nti I sambung..hee...
Iana opened her eyes. She fumbled, searching for her watch. “Oh, shit. I’m late.” It was already 8.30 am. She got Anatomy class at 9.00am. Anatomy class by Mr. Frank. Frankly speaking, he was damn strict lecturer that she knew. Indeed. No one could beat him. She made her way to the bathroom, pulling hard a towel written ‘LOLIPOP’, hanging on the rope next to her bed. It was a nice, colourful towel. Pink, purple, red, yellow, white and black. Oh, black! All of sudden, it reminded her to a black bag that she found when she was walking on a lame street alone after she finished her class yesterday. Nothing precious was in there. The only thing that she found was an ‘untouchable’ lollipop. She smiled alone. Maybe the owner of the bag was a little kid who loves to have lollipop. Hee... Iana switched on the hair dryer to dry her hair of course. She had to be as quick as she could so that she won’t be late to the class. She put on a white blouse and a jean that really fit her. She looked nice. “Bravo! No breakfast today honey.” She uttered to herself. Yes, one of the way to lose weight. Hee... Another 5 minutes to go. Chayok!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
cayang mereka~
Today.I'm gonna tell ya.bout my family.bout my abah.mak.n all ma lil sis n bros.Yeap.I love them.A lot..If only I can tell them how much I love them n prove to them..Yes i can.First and foremost.Let me told ya guys about my abah.My d only abah.My abah who has teach me a lot of things.Who has given to me those spirit to keep on moving.I love him.A lot.
ABAH~::: MUSTAPA BIN ZAINUL...Abah dlu pnah jd tentera laut.Tyme tu aku pun lum lahir lg.Dia berkhidmat kt Lumut.Somewhere in Perak.Tapi once aku dah lahir, dye berhenti.Tah~.Dia ckp x mau dah jadi tentera.nak blek kedah.tu la yg dy ckp.Hehe,abah2...Once i was born on 31august 1989, he decided to shift bax to Kedah.TO stay bax with tok n tokwan.Aku pernah tnya abah..napa abah pilih nak jd tentera nih? abah ckp saje.suka2..Dy pnah cita dlu.Tok suruh abah apply jd cikgu.Dy pn apply tp bkn keinginan dye la.Bla tem interview org tu tnye sapa suh pilih nak jd cikgu nih? Abah cakap 'mak saya yang suruh. Saya x mau pun'..Haha...terus kna reject jd cikgu,haha.mmg btul la abah.ekeke...bla dah blik kedah, abah tolong tokwan.Jual2 barang2 dapur.mcm bawang,cabai n mcm2 lg lah.bahan makanan bukn ayam ke ikan ke sayur ke..hee..dy jual sampai skarang.dy p pasar malam...siang2 jual brg2 tu smpai skang..hehe...aku taw dye enjoy buat bnda tu..:)...personally, abah nie tenang orgnya...dye bkn jns kalut or sth lyke dat.dy cool je..kadang2 mak pn marah gk dye sbb cool sgt..hehe...aku x ikut cm abah kot..sbb ku bkn jenis kool...lalalala~...dye lahir pada 10/10/1958....abah, nurul syg abh bgt!.....
MAK~::FATIMAH BT HAJI HAMZAH...Mak~Someone dat i lurve d most...Yg perlu ada supaya aku hidup d muka bumi nih...Yang tak pernah putus2 bg smngt kt aku utk terus berjuang...Mak...she is a teacher...cikgu la...cikgu d skhhd....Dye sgt kuat semangat.....nama pn mak kan..keep nagging but it's all for our dilahirkan pada 15/01/1964...Aku igt lagi.. Aku pnah patah smngt...slalu dye keep telling that i have to b strong....Mak bkn jenis cool mcm abah.tpi mak jenis spontanious.Dye akan buat keputusan yg spontan tp it brings gud effect...Mak bkn jenis pendiam...heheeh.....ramai ckp muka aku mcm mak...mungkin kot....aku taktaw....ehehe....Mak...asi f u noe...i love u...sgt2!!!!!!!!!!! I'll promise i'll make u more happy than today....i'm sure i will....
INA~:: NURUL lil sis...d first lil sis...wuz born on 5/11/1990.....she's studying at kmpp in short for KOLEJ MATRIKULASI PULAU PINANG...hehe..i love ckp dye nampak mcm kakak compared to me... ye ke? aku pn x taw....dye nih jenis suka berterus terang.....heee....n suka bg smngt..tu yg suka citer paper pn kt dye...i love u!
WAWA~::NURUL NAJWA....adikku yg number 2....wuz born on 10/9/1993..Akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke SMS muar....Best of luck sis....Dye jenis gila2...haha...suka cari gonna mish her a lot.:(
ADAM~::MUHAMMAD ADAM...wuz born on 1/4/1995..yg nih tak taw nak ckp..adik lelaki aku yg jenis suka memberontak...tahla...haha...bkn memberontak cmna....nakal ckit...suka nek moto dgn kawan2 wp mak n abah x hati dye lembut,...:)
ADIK~::MUHAMMAD ALIFF....adik aku paling kecik..bru darjah 5..wuz born on 14/11/1998...aku sgt syg kat dye2~~~ manja nih...heee
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