To be honest, I am so tired now, errr I mean my brain. I don't know why, I just finished 2 papers but it was like I've got to sit for 10 papers in a row.
What an exaggeration. T.T. Only 2 papers left, then, here I come MALAY
Actually, what I have to do now is open up the book and read, not fbing or listening to musics like what I do now.
It is totally so-not-medstu, kan? Agree with me please. ha ha. DESPERADO. :D
Anyway, just want to thank Kim a.k.a Mustaqim for treating me ice-cream tonight.
Anyway, he is my senior here in Manipal and he's going back to Malaysia the nex
t two days.
This is not only a one month holiday in Malaysia, he and his batch mates are going back forever, I mean they don't have to come to India ever again.
Their two-and-half-year in Manipal has ended. Congratulation guys 'cz you guys made it. Well done! ;)
And not to forger, thanks to Kak Wani, Alifah and all other my Usrah's members cz treating me Chicken Parmazina at SAIBA that day.
*I forgot to say thank-you.teruk kan? lol;p) You guys are the best 'akak usrah'
ever. hee.
( anyway, they both also Kim's batch mates. Do you see the connections here? ahahahaha/;D)
Back to the life of so-called me, I don't pack my things yet. I don't know what to bring back and what shouldn't. but one thing for sure is that, I've to bring back gifts that I bought during the TRAVEL AROUND NORTH INDIA that day for my family. :) hee. sweet kan me? awwww. <3<3<3.>
Oh, I think I want to bring back some notes: block 1 and block 2. I'm nerd! hee.
No, I'm not nerd okehhh it's just that at least you don't feel guilty when you don't study at home, just to calm the heart siket. ngee. Studying while eating some food, I mean Malaysian food in w
hich you have been craving for the past few months are so-can't-wait-even
t! haha. pergh. MANTOP. ;)
Okay, enough.
Here is some wish to all 22 batch members:
Best of luck there in Malacca. Don't cry even if you guys are treated as if you are the stupidest people ever, please don't feel down. They are just testing you *'they' refer to th
e lecturer there. haunted lecturers, seniors said! @_@*. We are goin
g to miss you all. T____T.
the one and only photo with Kim, during raya open house at one of his friend's house at MP Park.
P/s: sorry, akak usrah. ;) I don't have our photo together to be uploaded. :)
Our memory together is kept in the heart always. <3