Just finished surgery's class. I am at home now. I don't really know what to do. Maybe I'll be sleeping. Maybe I'll continue watching Harry Potter or maybe I'll play some games. =.=
*mood: boredom!!'*
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Bye Bye Karkala
- the lovely ikan goreng with boiled rice even the kedai was so critically ill condition in terms of hygience and the eating place.
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this is the lovely ikan goreng with boiled rice. :)))) |
- the super cool and nice OBG lecturers: Dr. Satisha, his wife Dr. Sujatha and fatherly Dr. Sanjay. :"( P/s: Dr. Sujatha is so hot!! Heeee~ She has a very niceeeeee smileeeeee I can say. *shy shy cat*
- the 15 minutes time before the watch ticked to 1030 a.m because at this point of time, I love to be lazying in the class, sometimes I slept. Hihi. :D:D
- Long journey allows me to sleep so soundly. :(
Say hello to SURGERY. Hello to Dr. Santosh Pai and hello to Dr. M.G Shenoy. :)
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I will be missing you, dear karkala.:( |
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right in the kedai ikan with the boiled rice on the table. :D, Daun pisang beb. Epik! |
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Drama manusia
yours which is NOT TRUE at all? I don't know what's on these people's mind. Talking behind someone's back is actually
what we love to do. I said WE cause sometimes I do the same. But, one thing I am so not okay is, when you talk about
someone's behind his/her back but after that you tend to tell others about that particular someone which is CLEARLY not
true whom you know that these 'others' may reveal the story to the subject back.. Can you imagine how this subject's
feeling would be when others talk about him/her about something that is not true at all. Yeah, maybe it sounds a little
complicated, but this is what I really mean. If I was the subject, I may feel sad either. :'(. Tak nak cakap banyak. People and their dramas. They may look innocent by their innocent looks, but don't be too comfort for that. :)
p/s: New name for my baby. Audry. Welcome to the world, Audry! <3<3<3
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Minah di sebelah kiri suka berdrama gak. Tapi bdrama comel. :) Rindu wawa. :( She will be registering to new school, INTEC next week. Good luck dear sis! (^_^) |
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Salaam.. Here I am after so many days of disappearance. Not to mention I am busy but it is just that I am so lazy to login and start typing. Yeah with this monsoon season, many things couldn't be done as such. So not much activities to be shared in Cekelat. Heee.. Sorry!! By the way, now since I have this so called Android I can easily blog anywhere.. Maybe after this I will be frequently updating this blog. Just so you know, now I am heavenly lying on someone else's bed to get the wireless connection but actually I am supposed to go posting at Udupi. I am so lazy today. *singing The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars* lalalala~.. Tata!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
You may seem happy in front of the world, but truth is you suffer in the soul, that is what people love to do.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Kucing hitam dan oren. meow2
Nothing much in here. Just want to say something.
Hati manusia cepat lembut. Dulu mungkin pernah sampai suhu mendidih. Tapi sekarang dah macam dekat Alaska. lalalala~. ;)
Anyway, IMY. Just so you know, IMY.
I am hoping that one day, things go back to the way it was before.
Because memories can't be faded.
People tend to do mistakes, and people may regret of what they have done:)
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:) |
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Kalau dia datang kita biar, kita abai dan kita leka
Sebab kita terlalu yakin bahawasanya saat dan waktu yang lain dia akan muncul kembali
Tapi andaian tidak sememestinya betul, tekaan tidak semestinya kena
Dia pergi macam angin pergi lepas singgah untuk seberapa ketika sahaja.
Itulah semangat sebenarnya.
:( :( :(
Monday, June 6, 2011
Janji Allah itu benar.
- Whatever we do, like studying, just remember that no matter how hard you struggle to pass the exam, no matter how focus you are to gain the knowledge, always remember that you still have to put Him in the very first place. Never forget about Allah s.w.t who always listen to your prayers. To absorb well in the process of knowledge collection, the clean and clear heart is very crucial. :)
- Islam is very simple, it doesn't complicate the slaves. use the opportunity to appreciate and perform what you are asked to, as long as you are still breathing in this world. Once your heart stops beating and your brain stops functioning, nothing can be undo.
- "Janji Allah itu benar."(^_^)
Third of all, I just realized something during the group discussion just now. We have to submit the case-sheet which we never start doing it. And plus end posting exam is just around the corner. Takut. =.=
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Hujan. Kirimkan pesanan kepada dia. :)
Even when I was in primary school, I only skipped class for 3 days for the whole year, because of only 3-day-slight-mild-fever. Cool kan? :) hee. But, that time I was so jealous to those who could bunk class, using the reasons that they weren't feeling well. I obviously couldn't use the reason because I RARELY sick. But now, having this advantage really makes me feel kinda grateful sometimes. I don't have to buy medicines so much, like others do. Pity them huh. =.=. Spending sometimes about RM30 per day because of the drugs are so expensive in which you can use the money to buy something else apart from the medicines if you don't fall sick.
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I love watching the rain. It touches the heart sometimes, I don't know why:) |
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masa first year:). nanti jadi monster ni la balik, dengan baju hujan dan bawak payung ke sana sini:) |
By the way, even today, at the age of 21, I have the thought to play in the rain again. The last I remembered I played in the rain was during last year, heavy monsoon season and we played football that time. I miss those memories so much:(
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Don't worry of being sick. Ubat kan ada. Main je hujan. Haha. |
Bagi saya ni free, saya kahwin dengan sapa-sapa la. Haha~ |
Today, we won netball over batch 27. Congratz, teammates. :) Hopefully we will meet Batch 26 again for the final , and this time we gonna show you guys our real 'we'. Teeheee~ :D.
That's all from now. I will have end posting exam this Tuesday at Karkala before move to the next posting, OBG which I can't wait the most. ( I am so thrilled to see the process of delivery with my own eyes. LIVE. ). Wish me luck.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Jadi Kuat Macam Badang ?
Second of all, I miss home. I miss home. I miss home. I miss home. I miss home. I miss home. I miss home.
Third of all, I lost one of my best friend, because of something that I can't control. My heart desire. I can't control, if only you know, and I can't choose if only you know. Then, goodbye from me, if that is what you really want and if that is what's the best for you. Take good care of yourself.
Fourth of all, I am thinking about buying ticket to go back to Malaysia, either MAS or Air Asia? T__T. Oh my my, I really don't have any idea about this. Should I buy the expensive one because after all, I can claim the ticket's price. Hopefully, I got the answer a.s.a.p.
Last but not least, last night I suddenly thought of something, something about my future career. When I was about to sleep last night, I suddenly had this thought:
"Lagi 3 tahun, saya akan jadi doktor. Bukan doktor haiwan ke doktor tumbuh tumbuhan, tapi doktor kepada manusia. Manusia yang ada perasaan yang boleh cerita dia sakit ke tak. Saya kena cuba treat manusia setakat mana termampu. "
What I thought was, am I able to perform this duty very well? Am I ready to be scolded when things go wrong during the duty-performing? Do I have the gut to treat people, and diagnose them and comfort them if I have to? Ya Allah, this isn't the easy decision. I've come this far, and I've to continue and have the faith in myself and most importantly, I have to believe in you, Ya Allah, whatever happens is under Your control, not mine or not others. I don't know the future obviously, but I hope I can do the best. Yakin pada diri, yakin dengan hati, gunakan ilmu yang ada untuk mengubati orang yang memerlukan dengan izinNya.
Sometimes, I feel so weak, thinking that am I that good to have the chance to be a doctor, or it is actually just a coincidence of all? But, deep down my heart, there is one voice that keep telling me this:
Nurul Fitrilina, awak boleh buat sebab tu DIA bagi peluang dekat awak untuk jadi doktor suatu hari nanti. DIA yakin awak ada kebolehan untuk selamatkan orang yang memerlukan bantuan awak dengan izinNya. Jadi, awak kena kuat supaya orang yang mencari awak nanti pun kuat macam awak."
And truth is, this voice which keeps me stronger at this point of time. Ya Allah, please help me to face all of these obstacles so that I will be stronger as the day passes. :)
Assalamualaikum w.b.t well, hello. Here I am again. Just recovered from Covid 19 infection Cat 2A about 3 weeks ago. My husband, my parent...
Hey, all. :) Here it comes again: THE WEEKEND . Ohh, I'm just soo happy and so excited till I don't even know how to express what I ...
Haha.What a nice promise ryte dat day before? Confidently said I'll stop blogging for a while. But I can't.Hee. Cz blogging is one o...