Salam to all. When I tweeted about I wanted to change from childish thought to a mature one, two people commented. So, I am just thinking, am I too childish before, or the kind of response, 'you REALLY SHOULD be MORE MATURED afterwards', or there were just comments? Well, I admit myself that I am one kind of person who act childish, think childish and speak childishly. Even I am the eldest in the family, that doesn't mean I talk like adults. Some people even compare me with my little sister ( 1 year younger than me) saying that, she is more matured than me, is she? For the first impression of people towards me, usually, they'll never say I am the eldest one, and MOST of them say, I am the youngest! Can you imagine that? Yeah, I know, that's quite hurting you know, when you wish to be labelled the same age that you are now, but it turns out to be that, you are labelled far way younger than that.
And I knew the other one reason why people used to have the thought like that: I CRY a lot, even a simple thing, I get nervous when I lost my things, I can't think properly when it comes to an urgent situation, I prefer to follow what my heart says at the very first time, even I know that is not the right decision to follow. I make a lot of mistakes. I get easily stumbled, and one obvious thing, I am too dependent to people, I can't make decision myself. But, honestly, about the last part, I am getting to be independent day by day. I think I changed a lot since I noticed about my dependent-ness to others especially my family. Now, I can make decision my own, I don't mind about mistakes anymore, but one thing I can't change: I still love love love love to cry over simple things. Those days I used to cry alone, nobody even cares but I felt kinda calm because whatever happened HE is always there to listen.:") These days, I have you, yeah you know who you are. You are always there when I need you.
Speaking about changing my attitude to a mature one, well I really meant it. Maybe the time has come. ( Serious la pulak bunyi nya. :P) But, anyway, I am serious. I am 23 already, I have to be firm about this, considering that now I am in the 'class of adult' already.
I am not changing my old me, I mean, my characters, I just want to change the way I look at something, before this maybe I tend to take simple thing lightly, laugh a lot, but maybe after this even a simple thing I have to consider good and bad, up and down.
And actually, one other MAIN reason I want to be more matured is because of one other secret reason. Yeah , as the name suggest, SECRET, I am so not gonna tell it here. ;P.
Owh, by the way, I already bought
P sticker, yeah
P! I know it doesn't seem so cool, but, I still have to pretend to be uncool for a while, or else, hot. Haha. 2 years I have to live with this
P, but ahhh never mind,
2 YEARS ONLY! :)))
Owh, since I have not yet uploaded pictures regarding my ortho posting, here some of the pictures, I wish to share. :)
Notice me. Haha. Nak gak enterprem. Dekat fisioterapi. |
me so TEMBAM!!! |
Dr. Amit yang cool .:) |
Learnt the techniques of casting |
dengan abang physiotherapist yang pelat R tapi comel. ;p |
alia with her cute smile ;) |
toys for paediatric group in physiotherapy |
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