we were so freaked. but we are cute. now n then~:D

Ina busuk, fit comel. biahahhahaa.

presenting, this is my twin. her name is Mun. I love her.
Please don't disturb her, she's taken. LOL. kidding~
Edi in between. He's like a teddybear. Awwww.

super-delicious-tasty-perfectly-made-cake. (Ckin's recipes:)

and Yop, FYI, u looked so retarded,
and fortunately, I could see adam's apple yeah, at least a slight protrusion there,
or maybe I coincidently mis-interpret it which was actually the FAT. haha.
::Randomly taken-photos::
Hey, ya. I'm kinda bored right now, facing the TRIPATHI Pharmacology text-book reading some kind of topic which is just so LAME ok, so freaking BORED. :'(
And whatever happens, I've got to read for PBL presentation tomorrow.
And now, fit go focus on your study.
Can't you give me any other interesting topic, ppl? Urgh. bosan.:(
Takpe, It's okay, I'm trying to LOVE the lovely topic.
I SEEM TO 'FALL IN LOVE' with these 'things' or to be honest the names of the drugs:
*and blablabla, *yawninggggg*
Yeah, okay, gtg. Ttyl. Ilysm ppl.
*Anyway, Bald makes you so much cute*
redz, kenapa selamat?:P
Selamat berjaya maksudku... =)
cess...sempat lagi tuh nk letak gmbr aku..hihi
redz: thanks! ;)
yop: letak gmba huduh ko.;p
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