Haha.What a nice promise ryte dat day before?
Confidently said I'll stop blogging for a while.
But I can't.Hee.
Cz blogging is one of d way I tell wut I feel as if no one wuz there to listen.
Yeap.Wut I wanted to update this time is dat,
LAST NITE, I skyped with my 2 lil sis (Ina and Wawa) and 1 lil bro(Adam).
Aliff wuz not there at that time.He wuz already in d dreamland I guessed.=).
Ina: "Adik,bangun.Kak Own nak skype nih dgn adik.
Aliff: (smbil genyeh2 matanya yang sepet) "Ha? Adik ngantuk.X larat nak bangun."
(tidoq semula)
Ina: "Kak Own,adik x mau bngun dah."
Dat wuz how everything began.Skyping with my siblings wuz d one I waited this all while!
I miss them a lot. But since I wuz bz, and they too...we couldn't make it till suddenly the buzzed me last nite.
Wawa juz came bax from SAMURA since she wuz having 2 weeks holidays.
Adam wuz in d house.Just reached 14years old.Didn't have the chance to go to hostel yet.
Ina jz finished her Matriculation Programme and still waiting for d offer.
ALiff? He's just 11 years old.My very little brother.:)
We wuz chit-chatting,talking about crazy new stuffs,doin crazy actions and took d picture of it.
And then suddenly they said something that really touched me.
Ina,Wawa,Adam: "Kak Own, napa gmbaq latest nmpk cm kurus? X makan ka? Makan la..Ma dgn abah suruh makan.=)
diz wuz d pic~
Me: "huh? kak own makan la..cuma kadang2 x makan sbb x smpt..:)..dgn malas nak turun.
The very FIRST thing that made me touched.
Fine.Then, we talked again and again..
I kept capturing their pictures through the skype.
Their instant actions.weee~=)
From left: Wawa,Adam,Ina.(Aliff wuz not here.)
Their actions that I keep missing till now,
Their voices.
I tried to reminisce d past and still I could hold my tears from being secreted.
I didn't want they saw obviously how I missed them.
Suddenly, I saw they wrote something on a white paper.
They were writing and I kept wondering what was it.
I asked them but they remained silent.
Still..I wuz eagered to know.
After everything was done,
Ina took the paper and put it in front of the web camera
so that I could see better what was that.
I frowned and tried to see it.
It wasn't that clear and she still tried to make it clear for me to see.
I obviously could see what was written there.
Touched.For the SECOND TIME.Sebak.Terharu.
And to be frank, I could not stand again holding my tears from running down.
Here was what they wrote to me.
Looked simple but it means a lot to me.A lot.
Here it is.They wrote this to me.T.T
I cried.a very LIGHT cry.
Segaaannnn jerrrr....=)
Adam started laughing at me.
Wawa too.
Then followed by Ina.
Suddenly, they said something.
Them: "Kak Own, kami amek pic kak own nangis.Nak tunjuk kat ma dgn abah esok.
Hahhaahaha..(evil laugh from them)
Me: "Appaaaa???? X mo! X mo! malu la...X macho la nanti...wahaha~.SANGAT segan.
It's not because I feel soo "SEGAN" or wut so eva wit ma parents,
I juz don't want them to predict on something.
Something like
Yes, I admit I do miss you guys a lot.
I admit I'm having a problem now.
But still...I can focus on my study..
Don't have to worry to much on me.
I'm still d little Nurul that you know before who is not-so-matured girl
but she can handle everything very well with the help of your supports.
Just have d faith on me..
Pray for my success and surely I'll be ok.
That was the story.
We ended up the video call when I suddenly remembered that I hadn't prepare
even a thing for the SDL which is done today.
Then, I had to stop the video call.even my heart asked me not to do so.
I had to stop.
Below are the last dialogues with them,
Me: Wawa, fighting2 for your spm.nanti kita skype lagi bila kamu nak balik Samura dah.
Ina,berchenta, berchenta gak.Jangan dok malas2 kat rumah.=)
Adam, jangan lawan cakap ma n abah.Nanti jadi batu kot.(mana dapat teori ni pun aku x taw.=p)
What a nice Kakak kan am I who keep advising my little sistas and bros.Wahaha~.^_^
Tink that's all for now.
To what I promised before,not to blog for the moment,I wish to take back.
Ada orang tak bagi.=)
Plus, I need something to listen to what I'm 'mengaruting'.
Confidently said I'll stop blogging for a while.
But I can't.Hee.
Cz blogging is one of d way I tell wut I feel as if no one wuz there to listen.
Yeap.Wut I wanted to update this time is dat,
LAST NITE, I skyped with my 2 lil sis (Ina and Wawa) and 1 lil bro(Adam).
Aliff wuz not there at that time.He wuz already in d dreamland I guessed.=).
Ina: "Adik,bangun.Kak Own nak skype nih dgn adik.
Aliff: (smbil genyeh2 matanya yang sepet) "Ha? Adik ngantuk.X larat nak bangun."
(tidoq semula)
Ina: "Kak Own,adik x mau bngun dah."
Dat wuz how everything began.Skyping with my siblings wuz d one I waited this all while!
I miss them a lot. But since I wuz bz, and they too...we couldn't make it till suddenly the buzzed me last nite.
Wawa juz came bax from SAMURA since she wuz having 2 weeks holidays.
Adam wuz in d house.Just reached 14years old.Didn't have the chance to go to hostel yet.
Ina jz finished her Matriculation Programme and still waiting for d offer.
ALiff? He's just 11 years old.My very little brother.:)
We wuz chit-chatting,talking about crazy new stuffs,doin crazy actions and took d picture of it.
And then suddenly they said something that really touched me.
Ina,Wawa,Adam: "Kak Own, napa gmbaq latest nmpk cm kurus? X makan ka? Makan la..Ma dgn abah suruh makan.=)
Me: "huh? kak own makan la..cuma kadang2 x makan sbb x smpt..:)..dgn malas nak turun.
The very FIRST thing that made me touched.
Fine.Then, we talked again and again..
I kept capturing their pictures through the skype.

Their actions that I keep missing till now,
Their voices.
I tried to reminisce d past and still I could hold my tears from being secreted.
I didn't want they saw obviously how I missed them.
Suddenly, I saw they wrote something on a white paper.
They were writing and I kept wondering what was it.
I asked them but they remained silent.
Still..I wuz eagered to know.
After everything was done,
Ina took the paper and put it in front of the web camera
so that I could see better what was that.
I frowned and tried to see it.
It wasn't that clear and she still tried to make it clear for me to see.
I obviously could see what was written there.
Touched.For the SECOND TIME.Sebak.Terharu.
And to be frank, I could not stand again holding my tears from running down.
Here was what they wrote to me.
Looked simple but it means a lot to me.A lot.

I cried.a very LIGHT cry.
Segaaannnn jerrrr....=)
Adam started laughing at me.
Wawa too.
Then followed by Ina.
Suddenly, they said something.
Them: "Kak Own, kami amek pic kak own nangis.Nak tunjuk kat ma dgn abah esok.
Hahhaahaha..(evil laugh from them)
Me: "Appaaaa???? X mo! X mo! malu la...X macho la nanti...wahaha~.SANGAT segan.
It's not because I feel soo "SEGAN" or wut so eva wit ma parents,
I juz don't want them to predict on something.
Something like
- I am not okay here.
- I missed them to much till I can't focus on the study.
- Or, I'm having a kinda big problem to be settled now.
Yes, I admit I do miss you guys a lot.
I admit I'm having a problem now.
But still...I can focus on my study..
Don't have to worry to much on me.
I'm still d little Nurul that you know before who is not-so-matured girl
but she can handle everything very well with the help of your supports.
Just have d faith on me..
Pray for my success and surely I'll be ok.
That was the story.
We ended up the video call when I suddenly remembered that I hadn't prepare
even a thing for the SDL which is done today.
Then, I had to stop the video call.even my heart asked me not to do so.
I had to stop.
Below are the last dialogues with them,
Me: Wawa, fighting2 for your spm.nanti kita skype lagi bila kamu nak balik Samura dah.
Ina,berchenta, berchenta gak.Jangan dok malas2 kat rumah.=)
Adam, jangan lawan cakap ma n abah.Nanti jadi batu kot.(mana dapat teori ni pun aku x taw.=p)
What a nice Kakak kan am I who keep advising my little sistas and bros.Wahaha~.^_^
Tink that's all for now.
To what I promised before,not to blog for the moment,I wish to take back.
Ada orang tak bagi.=)
Plus, I need something to listen to what I'm 'mengaruting'.
sweet gle siblings kau :)
hee...thanks...tp sedeyh lorh sweet2 sgt nih...T.T.windu!
sweet la..
sy pun rindu family gak..*sobsob*
jgn sedey2 rndu umah.. :)
baeklah.x sedeyh da.td tepon mak.hee.:).suka.
comel dowh adek2 ko
comel physically ke action? *wonder*.haha=)
comel both laa...heeeeeeee
comel both laa...heeeeeeee
sooo sweeet!!!
mane gambar adek2 ko tgkap mase ko nanges tu?? nak tgk :P huhu
uish...x bole..simpanan peribadi kot..malu!! haha...:D
ina: perasan toi.x ley blah.ehehe..
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